
Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that can make it difficult to fall asleep, difficult to stay asleep, or cause you to wake up too early and not be able to get back to sleep. You may still feel tired when you wake up.

Insomnia can sap not only your mood and energy level b ut also your health, work performance and quality of life.

Chronic insomnia is usually a result of stress, anxiety, illness, travel, mmedication, life events or habits that disrupt sleep.

Treating the underlying cause can resolve the insomnia. We use cutting-edge-non-invasive technology to assist you in getting a restful night sleep.

We incorporate some of the following equipment into our immune boosting programs:

Theta Chamber
Synchronizes Neuropathways, reduces stress hormones, resets brainwaves

Hyperbaric Chamber
Improves blood flow, increases oxygen saturation

Increases serotonin and dopamine, synchronizes neuropathways, stimulates bran cells.

Quality of Life Veteran’s Wellness

Quality of Life is a Group Care Facility (an Assisted Living Facility (ALF) with Skilled Nursing/Independent Living Facility (ILF) residential and incidental medical) that will provide post-acute services, rehabilitation services, skilled nursing services (when CON becomes available) short- and long-term care through physical, occupational and varies types of Therapies. As well as Social Activities, and Nutritional Services, Housekeeping and Laundry Services.

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